Our motivation comes from the following situations:
1.The coffee growing communities in Kenya, despite coffee being the second most valuable traded commodity in the world after Oil (Ponte 2002), still simply lack everything.The revenue from
coffee has dropped so low to an extent that it does not even cover the cost of production. The plight of these small-scale farmers is so extreme that most of them face difficulties in paying school
fees to send their children to schools or take sick relatives to hospital for treatment due to lack of money.
2. The need to establish Income Generating Projects (IGPs) through a free interest revolving fund aimed at helping the women and youth break the cycle of poverty and unemployment
especially at the rural areas.
Women entrepreneurs in Kenya are the key to economic growth because they are generating income and employment. These women contribute ideas and have a lot of energy and their promotion would lead to
economic empowerment. The women enterprenuers face many challenges eg lack of enough capital, difficulties in marketing their wares, competing demands related to the daily running of their household
chores, among others.
Kenya faces a significant unemployment problem especially among the youth in rural areas. The lack of employment is driving and has driven many of them to crime. A study by United Nations
Development Program in January 2013, put the figures at 1.8 million unemployed young people.
3.The motivation to train the communities on soil and water conservation activities. Our project on Environmental Conservation targets the agricultural communities and we find that in most cases the
land has become eroded and needs rehabilitation. Our training on farm terracing, tree planting both on their farms and eroded lands, planting of napier grass etc will lead to increased crop
production, indirect benefits like fuel wood and water for use during the dry season.
- Encourage Economic and Agricultural development through Open Training programs aimed at successful agri-business practises and undertakings which will see the communities trained on sustainable self sufficiency projects.
- Marketing Interventions by connecting the small scale farmers to the global market.This will be achieved by reducing middlemen and brokers in the supply chains.
- Organizing training worskshops to enhance Entire Capacity Building within the local communities.
- Foster financial and enterpreneurial intiatives among the women and youth to inspire progress, personal growth, empowerment and sustainability.
- Mobilize all purposeful financial and in-kind resources to support the Education of the vulnerable children in the community and assist in the improvement of their livelihoods.