All Kedovo Projects

All our programs are aimed at sustainable development in the rural villages of Kenya, and they fall into various categories:


1.Rural development

KEDOVO's program on Rural development emphasises on economics and poverty in rural communities, the impact of factors such as food security on rural livelihoods, and the planning and management of rural developmental projects. The Program entails setting up of Income Generating Projects (IGPs) aimed towards the empowerment of women and youth through the start up of small agri-business undertakings.


2.Education Sector

KEDOVO believes that Education is the key to sustainable development and only through allowing every human being to acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values necessary to shape a sustainable future. Our projects improve the educational opportunities for rural children in central Kenya, and provides new facilities and resources, by working in partnership with schools and other institutions.


3.Health Sector

Health care and health promotion is the only way to a developed community.KEDOVO's project on health covers financing of health services and community awareness on health issues such as hunger, malnutrition, malaria, water-borne diseases, drug and alcohol abuse, violence and injury, unplanned pregnancy, HIV and AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections are just some of the problems that have enormous implications for health.


4.Environment and biodiversity 

The effect of human activities - magnified in recent years by population growth and global climate change - has greatly reduced biodiversity in ecosystems around the world. It is therefore important to refocus education programmes so that they enable educators and learners to protect biodiversity. Our Project adresses many environmental issues from climate change to management of natural resources which are relevant to agricultural practitioners inorder to ensure rural development and sustainability.



To find out more about our work in Kenya, Please choose in the sidebar an individual project to learn more about this particular project.





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