The Project objective is to help fight poverty through education as well as promoting cultural exchange.
The Teaching project is based in the Nyeri North area with a magnificient view of Mt.Kenya to the northeast.
With the introduction of free primary education from the Kenyan government there are a number of rural Primary, Secondary and Technical schools that are seriously underfunded and do not have sufficient teachers or resources.
At this volunteer project, depending on the experience or skills of a volunteer she /he will be teaching at one of the four rural primary schools, Two secondary schools and Two Technical colleges that we have identified to work with initially. A volunteer is required to have independent thinking and be in a position to adapt to foreign culture and different teaching methods.
The volunteers in this program will teach in schools with children from the rural community who mostly come from harsh economic backgrounds and in some cases children with special needs ; ie Orphans and Vulnerable chidren.
The Nursery and Primary schools programs requires less specific skills. The volunteers on the teaching projects, do not need to be qualified or experienced teachers to participate. The volunteers will work and assist the local teachers with daily class teachings in English, Mathematics, History, Social Studies, Geography, Art and Music etc and in some exceptional cases for the volunteers in high school can teach language lessons eg German, French or Spanish.
A skilled volunteer can teach technical subjects like carpentry, Electrical Engineering(welding), Design and Dressmaking, Computer Courses,Beadry and threadery work in the technical schools.
Volunteers with technical knowledge in other fields not offered at the Technical Schools are encouraged to train those courses as well.
A volunteer in our teaching placements can also teach other non subjects in the schools eg Sports from the volunteer's country of origin, Music, Hygiene etc.
In Kenya the school terms are as follows:
First term: From Early-January to mid-April.
Second term: From early May to the end of July.
Third term: From early Sept to mid-November
During the school holidays, there is still need for volunteers for holiday tuition as well as coach sports activities to local teams.
Remember as said before, these schools (especially primary level) are seriously underfunded and therefore any donations in terms of Pens, Pencils,Practical writting materials etc to help with lessons and activities will be highly appreciated.
Throughout your stay in Kenya, the Kedovo team on the ground will provide you with the support, assistance and guidance needed for your stay. The project coordinator will help you with advice and answer any questions that you may have.
Volunteers live with local host families. Please click here for more information.
Fundraise before you arrive!
One of the things many volunteers wish they'd done before coming out to Kenya is raise a bit of extra money to spend out here, inevitably on helping people they make good
friends with, or helping contribute to their own projects and ideas.
.Any help is highly 20€ will provide a whole bag of dry maize to feed 25 kids for a whole week!