Our projects are designed in a unique way that they are not financially dependent on donor funding. They are designed that in a period of time they become sustainable and are able to cover their own running expenses. Most of the projects operate through a 'revolving fund system' where the money necessary to start up a project eg the Income Generating Projects for the women and youth is returned to Kedovo-Kenyan Chapter without any interest. This money is then used for another project hence creating a cycle of the same euro and funding more and more projects.
Our projects are aimed at Developing Rural-Based Solutions to Rural Development by encouraging the participation of rural communities in building their capabilities and capacities so that they can be self reliant. This enables communities to increase control over their lives.
In this way:
- We bring hope and change to the communities we serve.
- We create economic livelihood opportunities for the women and youth through sustainable business ventures inorder to combat and break the cycle of poverty
Through our many projects, Kedovo e.V works with the communities to:
1. Provide women and youth development and empowerment by mobilizing all purpose resources to assist in the improvement of livelihoods in the needy communities;
2. Expand food production by extensive farming techniques to feed the children and generate more income for the communities;
3. Improve economic security through setting up of Income Generating Projects (IGPs) in a revolving fund system to enable self-reliance attainment among the rural women and youth;
4. Mobilize resources to provide basic education/ training for the poor, orphaned and vulnerable children in the communities;
5. Understand and improve health issues affecting the community through sourcing for cheaper and affordable medical services for the community at large;
6. Establish programs aimed at provision of clean water and improved nutrition to all by using locally available resources;
7. Foster exchange of useful ideas both locally and internationally through the KEDOVO Volunteer exchange and placement program;
8. Establish a Resource Centre for developing , receiving and disseminating information.