Project No : PN 120. Kedovo e.V
Time Period: March 2015- May 2016
Funding : Centre For International Migration & Development (CIM) & KEDOVO e.V
Local Organisation Partner: Kenya-Dorf -Volunteers (KEDOVO CBO -KENYA)
Beneficiaries: Kamamunda Self Help Group & Kedovo Youth Group
Status: Accomplished- Successful
Objective: Economic Development
Like most other self help group in kenya, the Kamamunda's started with what is called 'a merry go round' where the women met every 2 weeks in each others home on rotational basis and contribute 500 kshs (4 euro) per person inorder to have a pool money where one of them would later on receive the money to buy the essential household requirements, ranging from beds, pots, chairs to paying school fees.
This kind of arrangement only ensured that they put food on the table for their families but the the contributions could not be utilised to even start up any income generating activities.
Many of these rural women till the lands in the village and unfortunately only maybe 1 % of them are entitled to these lands that they till from dawn to dusk.
They suffer from the daily to daily struggles of providing for their families and maintaining respectable standards of living which is not easy.
The group has been together for almost 7 years in an informal set up.
Its in this context that Kedovo-CBO partnered with the group 2 years ago, and facilitated their registration with the Kenyan Ministry of Gender and Social Development as a Self-Help Group.
Through this partnership we could find ways to facilitate them in establishing and creating income generating activities for the village.
In this Project KEDOVO e.V is working with 13 women and 3 Youth group members to set up an Income generating project in form of Poultry Farming for egg production.
The group will receive intensive professional training on poultry rearing & management as well as trainings on bookkeeping marketing to Enterpreneurship trainings.
They will be responsible for day to day running of the project. The whole idea of the project is to venture into sustainable economic development for the members.
By equipping this group with knowledge and enterpreneurship skills, does the project not only create employment but introduces sustainability and better economic & social livelihoods for the community.
The project operates under the KEDOVO's revolving fund system , where the intial capital rendered to the group will be reurned over an agreed period of time. These funds can then be used to again re-fund and expand the project or be utilised in another project. The project is designed in a unique way that doesn't depend on donor funding in the long-run and its able to sustain itself.
The project aims to improve the social- economic status of women and youth in the rural areas by enabling them to venture into profitable Agribusiness ( Poultry Farming) as well as enabling them to have access to funding ( Micro-Credit) and in the end provide a means for financial independence. This inturn contibutes to the wider picture of the Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) and helps in breaking the cycle of unemployment and poverty.